Monthly Archives: January 2009

Happy New Year?

It doesn’t seem like the new year. It just doesn’t! No ‘oh my god the year is over!’ or ‘it just flew!’  crap. It doesn’t feel like the new month has begun. You know, if you’re the kind too,  to have  color coded months or  days, and in your mind the calender automatically takes a darker shade with the passing days. Well, if you don’t  then tough luck you!

I seem to have gotten back to the cravings of coke from back in school, times when I could actually finish a 300ml bottle,willingly. Over time I got rid of it, but the core of your self still remains that eh? Heavy stuff for something seemingly stoopid.

I finally got me cycle! After having said it over the last eight months, yeah I’m getting one soon, and, you know, the likes of the blah. Ahh, I’m basking in the glory of owning one.

Anyway, more to look forward to! It after all is the new year, even if it doesn’t seem like it is. But it IS!

So happy new year! I guess?